Mandalorian Armor Project

Posts tagged “Verpine Shatter Gun

Raygne’s Verpine Shatter Rifle

Hey everyone,

Raygne's Verpine Shatter Rifle

Raygne’s Verpine Shatter Rifle

I decided to post up my new project.  I am working on a Star Wars Mandalorian suit.  I decided to start with my primary weapon which will be a Verpine Shatter Rifle.  I have never built anything like this before so it was a learning experience.

There are many versions of it out there since the original design was done so long ago.  I decided to pull different ideas and start from scratch.  Everything was designed in a 2D CAD so I could see how things would look and to create my work templates.

It was important for me to remain loyal to the original design but add some of my own design ideas.  This would limit how far I was willing to go but it was important to make it recognizable.

I had to think of the limited tools I had so some design choices were made based on that and what looked cool.  This is basically wood, plastic and pvc.  The only metal are the magnets, trigger and screws.

Raygne's Verpine Shatter Rifle

I wanted to keep the colors muted since Star Wars weapons tend to be utilitarian. I experimented with color schemes that made them look too much like newer video game designs.

I detailed the inside of the barrel so it looked less like a pvc pipe.  I also added a shell so it looks loaded.

The detail lines were hand cut and I tried to keep them as straight as possible. The trigger actually moves and resets. There is a spring inside the body. The trigger was from an airsoft rifle and the second part not made from scratch.  The screws were third part that was not made from scratch.

This is only one of three things not made from scratch. It’s a segmented rail cover I glued together then modified underneath and front to fit on the barrel closely.

I wanted to keep the optic clean and simple. In a futuristic setting many functions would be automatic so outside controls were clunky looking.  The optic attaches with rare earth magnets.  They are buried under plastic in both the gun body and the base of the optic.

Optic is removable due to the magnets.

Comments and criticisms are welcome.  I appreciate looking at other peoples work so some people asked me to post up a blog.  You can also find my original post at the Mandalorian Mercs website.  Here is a link if you have any interest in doing a Mandalorian armor set.  It is full of information and helpful people.

Post on Mandolorian Mercs site

Mandolorian Mercs

Thanks for reading.
